Headstone of Evelyn Carr


Legacies Classification
Memorial Structure
Memorial Type
Temporary Installation
Memorial Context
Memorialized Subject
Carr, Evelyn
Headstone of Evelyn Carr
Background and Context
Evelyn Carr was an influential and inspiring member of the community in Davidson, North Carolina. She passed away on December 20th, 2023. Following her death, a three-part service was held ending in her burial and commemoration. On Saturday, December 30th, 2023, The Davidson College Presbyterian Church held Visitations and a Funeral Service at their church and a Burial/Interment afterward at the Christian Aid Society Cemetery in Davidson. Evelyn’s grave will commemorate her life for years to come. She has lived on through her multitude of children and grandchildren. Although as of March 11, 2024, a headstone has not been erected, her grave speaks to how much she was adorned. When locating her grave, two women associated with the church and in charge of the cemetery helped find it for this project knowing exactly where she was placed and spoke to her memorial service. They talked about the massive crowd that came to celebrate her life and how loved she was. Along with the service and burial, there is an online guestbook that serves as a historical keep-sake of her memory filled with messages of love and warmth in remembrance of Evelyn which was created after her death. It read messages such as “She was a truth speaker and a truth seeker. May her spirit be with us all.” This digital collection of memories and comments on her life speaks to her grandeur as a person and the impact she had on her community through her achievements and activism.
Physical Description
A headstone has not been erected as of March 11, 2024, but the grave itself months later is still covered in flowers and mementos. Her grave is located surrounded by loved ones who have also passed away including her mother and cousins. The grave has new grass sprouts starting to cover her and is located in a serene, peaceful graveyard tucked away in the woods surrounding Davidson College.
Memorial Inscription
N/A (Headstone forthcoming)
Creator/Participating Person(s)
Friends and Family of Evelyn Carr
Carr, Evelyn
Funded by
Friends and Family of Evelyn Carr
Location: Institution, City, State

Position: 209 (22 views)

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