Painted portrait of Captain William W. Martin


Legacies Classification
Memorial Artwork
Memorial Type
Visual Work of Art
Memorial Context
Memorialized Subject
Painted portrait of Captain William W. Martin
Background and Context
This portrait of Captain William W. Martin is part of Hendrix College’s permanent collection. The portrait depicts the late trustee and benefactor of the college and includes an inscription regarding his involvement with the young college: “a major source of strength in the college’s early years.”

Martin’s title of Captain came from his service in the 10th Arkansas Confederate Infantry Regiment. Martin continued to use this title while affiliated with Hendrix College.

The former trustee’s portrait sits alongside a row of presidential portraits that line the back of “Mills A,” an auditorium located in the Mills Center for Social Sciences academic building on Hendrix’s campus. “Mills A” is one of the largest meeting spaces on the campus, hosting many campus-wide events for students and monthly faculty meetings.

Martin’s portrait is the only non-presidential figure included within the space, heightening his reputation for many campus members, who often confuse Martin’s portrait for that of an early college president.
Physical Description
The portrait hangs in one of the major lecture halls on Hendrix Campus. The medium used to capture the portrait was oil paint on canvas.
Memorial Inscription
"Capt. W. W. Martin. Trustee Benefactor. A major source of strength in the college's early years."
Funded by
Hendrix College
Location: Institution, City, State

Position: 595 (12 views)